IntelliJ IDEA shortcuts for Eclipse users

  • 作者: 凯哥Java(公众号:凯哥Java)
  • 网络文章
  • 时间:2018-07-12 21:41
  • 2798人已阅读
简介 SwitchingfromEclipseto IntelliJIDEA wasagreatdecision.Eclipseofcoursegetsthingsdone,butnotasfast,notasflawless,notas intelligent asIntelliJ.Andyet,theswitchingprocesstookmesometime



有需要的朋友👉:微信号 kaigejava2022

Switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA was a great decision. Eclipse of course gets things done, but not as fast, not as flawless, not as intelligent as IntelliJ.
And yet, the switching process took me some time. Especially learning new shortcuts was a little bit irritating. Performing basic tasks took me minutes, because I had to look up the correct shortcut each time. It’s possible to use an Eclipse shortcut mapping, but since I wasn’t going to switch back, I’ve decided to learn the default mapping. JetBrains offers a nice overview (PDF) containing most important shortcuts. In order to find the correct row faster, I have added another column with Eclipse shortcuts.

So let’s say I want to see a class outline. I know it’s Ctrl + O in Eclipse. Now I just have to look for this shortcut in the first column to find the IntelliJ equivalent. For a shortcut junkie like me this is a lot faster than reading the action descriptions. I hope this helps other software developers, too.
Let me know if any shortcut mapping is wrong or missing.

Update 17.10.2015
A friend of mine wrote a script to make the search more interactive. Check it out!

EclipseIntelliJ IDEAAction
Ctrl + SpaceCtrl + SpaceBasic code completion (the name of any class, method or variable)

Ctrl + Shift + SpaceSmart code completion (filters the list of methods and variables by expected type)
Ctrl + Shift + SpaceCtrl + PParameter info (within method call arguments)
F2Ctrl + QQuick documentation lookup

Ctrl + mouse overBrief Info
F2Ctrl + F1Show descriptions of error or warning at caret

Alt + InsertGenerate code... (Getters, Setters, Constructors, hashCode/equals, toString)

Ctrl + OOverride methods

Ctrl + IImplement methods

Ctrl + Alt + TSurround with... (if..else, try..catch, for, synchronized...)

Ctrl + Shift + DeleteUnwrap/Remove statement
Ctrl + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + YComment/uncomment with line comment
Ctrl + Shift + /Ctrl + Alt + Shift + YComment/uncomment with block comment
Alt + Shift + UpCtrl + WSelect successively increasing code blocks
Alt + Shift + DownCtrl + Shift + WDecrease current selection to previous state

Alt + QContext info
Ctrl + 1Alt + EnterShow intention actions and quick-fixes

Ctrl + Shift + EnterComplete current statement
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Alt + LReformat code
Ctrl + Shift + OCtrl + Alt + OOptimize imports

Ctrl + Shift + VPaste from recent buffers...
Ctrl + Alt + UpCtrl + DDuplicate current line or selected block
Ctrl + DCtrl + YDelete line at caret
Shift + EnterShift + EnterStart new line
Ctrl + Shift + X/YCtrl + Shift + UToggle case for word at caret or selected block
Ctrl + DeleteCtrl + DeleteDelete to word end

Ctrl + BackspaceDelete to word start
Ctrl + NumPad+/-Ctrl + NumPad+/-Expand/collapse code block
Ctrl + NumPad *Ctrl + Shift + NumPad+Expand all
Ctrl + Shift + NumPad /Ctrl + Shift + NumPad-Collapse all
Ctrl + WCtrl + F4Close active editor tab
Alt + Up/DownCtrl + Shift + Up/DownMove line up/down
Ctrl + Up/Down
Scroll Line up/down
Ctrl + FCtrl + FFind
Ctrl + KF3Find next
Ctrl + Shift + KShift + F3Find previous
Ctrl + FCtrl + RReplace
Strg + HCtrl + Shift + FFind in path

Ctrl + Shift + RReplace in path
Usage Search
Ctrl + GAlt + F7Find usages
Ctrl + Shift + GCtrl + F7Find usages in file

Ctrl + Shift + F7Highlight usages in file

Ctrl + Alt + F7Show usages
Ctrl + Shift + U
Show occurrences in file
Compile and Run
Ctrl + BCtrl + F9Make project (compile modifed and dependent)

Ctrl + Shift + F9Compile selected file, package or module

Alt + Shift + F10Select configuration and run

Alt + Shift + F9Select configuration and debug
Ctrl + F11Shift + F10Run

Shift + F9Debug
F6F8Step over
F5F7Step into

Shift + F7Smart step into
F7Shift + F8Step out
Ctrl + RAlt + F9Run to cursor
Ctrl + UAlt + F8Evaluate expression
F8F9Resume program
Ctrl + Shift + BCtrl + F8Toggle breakpoint
Alt + Shift + Q, BCtrl + Shift + F8View breakpoints
Ctrl + Shift + TCtrl + NGo to class
Ctrl + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + NGo to file

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NGo to symbol
Ctrl (+ Shift) + TabAlt + Right/LeftGo to next/previous editor tab
Ctrl + LCtrl + GGo to line
Ctrl + ECtrl + ERecent files popup

Ctrl + Shift + ERecent edited files popup
Alt + Left/RightCtrl + Alt + Left/RightNavigate back/forward

Ctrl + Shift + BackspaceNavigate to last edit location
F3 or Ctrl + ClickCtrl + B or Ctrl + ClickGo to declaration
Ctrl + TCtrl + Alt + BGo to implementation(s)

Ctrl + UGo to super-method/super-class
Ctrl + Shift + Up/DownAlt + Up/DownGo to previous/next method
Ctrl + Shift + PCtrl + >/<Move to code block end/start
Ctrl + OCtrl + F12File structure popup
F4Ctrl + HType hierarchy

Ctrl + Shift + HMethod hierarchy
Ctrl + Alt + HCtrl + Alt + HCall hierarchy
Ctrl + . / Ctrl + ,F2 / Shift + F2Next/previous highlighted error
Alt + Shift + BAlt + HomeShow navigation bar

Ctrl + Shift + TNavigate from/to the corresponding test class, or create one

F11Toggle bookmark

Ctrl + F11Toggle bookmark with mnemonic

Ctrl + #[0-9]Go to numbered bookmark

Shift + F11Show bookmarks


Alt + Shift + RShift + F6Rename
Alt + Shift + CCtrl + F6Change Signature
Alt + Shift + ICtrl + Alt + NInline
Alt + Shift + MCtrl + Alt + MExtract Method
Ctrl + 2, LCtrl + Alt + VExtract Variable
Ctrl + 2, FCtrl + Alt + FExtract Field

Ctrl + Alt + CExtract Constant

Ctrl + Alt + PExtract Parameter
Version Control
Ctrl + #Ctrl + KCommit

Ctrl + Shift + KPush

Ctrl + TUpdate project

Ctrl + Alt + ZRevert changes

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + DownNext Change

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + UpPrevious Change
Live Templates

Ctrl + Alt + JSurround with Live Template

Ctrl + JInsert Live Template
Ctrl + MCtrl + Shift + F12Toggle maximizing editor

Alt + Shift + FAdd to Favorites

Alt + Shift + IInspect current file with current profile

Ctrl + Alt + SOpen Settings dialog

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen Project Structure dialog
Ctrl + 3Ctrl + Shift + AFind Action

Ctrl + TabSwitch between tabs and tool window

Ctrl + Shift + CCopy Path

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